Elegant European swuarespace banner pumpkin partie.jpg

Hobby Lobby - Dinnerware

Finding a fresh angle to celebrate the fall and holiday months with family and friends. This was my goal in designing for Hobby Lobby, a client who celebrates out-of-the box ideas and unique forms.

The signature collection, Pumpkin Partie, is a playful arrangement of 4 harvest themed sets executed in stoneware and glazed in an understated yet charactered finish.

An additional collection was also developed to complement a fellow designer’s artwork. These were executed in a highly faceted gloss white ceramic adding to the feeling of glaciers and arctic ice.

Key Contributions: 2 collections / 7 sets - fully rendered sell sheets

Lead: Jana Cochran
Team members: LiAn Chen, Yitzu Huang
Client: Hobby Lobby
January, 2021

Pumpkin Partie KM 04012020-01.jpg
Pumpkin Partie KM 04012020-02.jpg
Pumpkin Partie KM 04012020-03.jpg
Pumpkin Partie KM 04012020-04.jpg
Pumpkin Partie KM 04172020 Additions-03.jpg
Pumpkin Partie KM 04172020 Additions-04.jpg
Pumpkin Partie KM 04012020-05.jpg
HL Iceberg Moodboard 1 (1).jpg
Penta Bowl Forms 1.jpg